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Bliv frivillig




Welcome letter



Vil du vide mere om Ukraine



organisering af ukrainere i Danmark


Look here for job

Шукати роботу


Information for Ukrainians

After comming to Denmark:

Housing and how to find a job


Special law

Apply for a residence permit


Ви шукаєте роботу?

Søger du arbejde?


What next?


Your stay in Rudersdal




Kontakt - Support Ukraine (ukrainere i Danmark/ Ukrainians in Denmark)

Hotline (8.00-22.00) they speak Ukrainian and English

Flygtninge/refugees +45 71 82 00 39

Andre/others +45 55 27 01 92

They can refer to Ukrainian-speaking psychologist

Doctor - medical care

Urgent - Immediate help, call 112

Fast - within a few hours or days, call 1813 (they will refer to a hospital)

You can also go to a family doctor if they have time (ask a volunteer for help)

Kontakt danske frivillige/Contact Danish volunteers

kontakt@flygtningekontakt.dk You can write in Danish og English.

Niels, 30 91 57 01 (Danish and English) (8.00-22.00)

You can get clothes and other help. Click to see more

Kontakt Rudersdal Kommune/Contact Rudersdal municipality

ukraine@rudersdal.dk You can write in danish and English

46 11 00 00 if you need accomodation

Hotline 45 80 33 55 (Nordsjællands Beredskab) (hele døgnet/around the clock)


For ukrainere, borgere og erhvervsliv / for Ukrainians, citizens and business community


For danskere - Kontakt om frivilligindsats og donationer til ukrainere


Forside (frivilligcentret.dk)

45 89 00 56

Ma.-to. kl. 10-15, fr. lukket/closed.

DRC - Dansk Flygtningehjælp/Danish Refugee Counsil

Råd og vejledning/Advice and guidance


Hjemmesider for ukrainere/Homepages for Ukainians

Om os | Bevar Ukraine


Danmarks sammenslutning af ukrainere - AUD (lastivka.dk)

Forside - Støtte Ukraine! (supportukraine.dk)


Facebook for ukrainere/Facebook for Ukrainians





Information til ukrainske statsborgere/Information for Ukrainian citizens

Ny i Danmark

Information til ukrainske statsborgere | Kriseinformation (Ukrainian and English)






Birkerød Flygtningekontakt - kontakt@flygtningekontakt.dk - www.facebook.com/flygtningekontakt